Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on 25 July 2009 at 6.00pm
St John’s Conference Centre, Dixon St,
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Andy Smith, Gay Richards, Daphne Bell, Peter Kortegast, Carina Duke, Rhys Taylor, Liz Thomas, Judy Cox, Jan Simmons, Janet Lawson, Judy Martin, Judy Brady, Margaret Southgate, Cindy Carmichael, Chap Horn, Richard Butler, Brent Efford, Joelle Xavier-Hendry, Kelvin Aris, Paula Warren, Nina Arron, Chris Teo-Sharell
A quorum was confirmed – ? of those present being members
Apologies: Mike Mellor, Ralph Chapman, Glen Koorey, Andrew MacBeth, Steve Abley, Paul Bruce, Red Lunday de Waal , Wendy Everingham, Graeme Easte, Grant Scofield.
Resolved (moved Gay, Celia, carried)
That apologies be accepted.
Welcome: The meeting was opened by President Celia Wade-Brown
Confirmation of Minutes:
Resolved (moved Celia, Peter, carried)
That the minutes of the 2008 Living Streets Aotearoa Inc. AGM be confirmed.
Matters arising
Commenting that the Auckland Networker had been appointed just after the 2008 AGM, Celia asked the staff present to introduce themselves – Liz Thomas, Kelvin Aris, Janet Lawson and Fiona Whero. Lily Linton is on leave overseas.
Rhys Taylor commented that climate change is an international issue that we all contribute to. Rhys proposed that Living Streets Aotearoa should collaborate with the NZ Climate Action Partnership, a number of NGOs including the Sustainable Living Trust and others. He explained that this is a wider society issue for the Executive to consider Living Streets Aotearoa’s position on.
Resolved (moved Rhys, Andy, carried)
That the Executive consider reaffirming the organisation’s supporting the Partnership’s position on climate change.
Liz noted that she has other correspondence on this matter.
President’s Report
Celia Wade-Brown tabled the annual report to 31March 2009, including the President’s Report.
Celia thanked Mike Mellor, vice-president for many years, with his understanding of the constitution and attention to detail, Ralph Chapman, climate change champion, still promoting walking but no longer able devote time to the Executive, Robert Davies, who has provided a sterling job looking after our website. She noted that the website has never failed, due to his work. Celia offered her particular thanks to Liz Thomas, walking friend since 1992, still friends after being on the City Council, and doing a terrific job as organisation Director. Celia mused on dreams such as Living Streets doing Walking awards and Walk 2 Work day, similar to the cycling events. These have been successes and have taken on a distinctly walking flavour.
Thanks to Freda Wells, current editor of Footprints for her work ensuring the newsletter appeals to all.
Celia noted that Living Streets is now working with more organisations, and is aware that the organisation needs to diversify funding streams and improvinge media contact. A new communications management system and redesigned website will help to achieve this. Celia assured the meeting that she will stay involved as representative on the International Federation of Pedestrians and championing the Great Harbour Way and will stay in touch to support the new President. Celia also mused that the Living Streets concept needs to be expanded to our nearest neighbours, that is in Australia or specific states such as Victoria and NSW.
Finally Celia commended local groups, large or small, to continue pressuring but not nagging councils and other decision makers. Ended with the quote: “Let no one be deluded that a knowledge of the path can substitute for putting one foot in front of the other”.
Resolved (moved Celia, Gay, carried)
That the President’s Report be received.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was presented by Andy Smith. Noted that a qualified opinion from auditors is standard with non-for-profit organisations when they cannot inspect every transaction.
Andy thanked the staff for keeping the books. Andy commented that a turnover of $416,000 is impressive for an organisation of this type.
Resolved (moved: Andy, Carina, carried)
That the Treasurer’s Report be received.
Matters Arising
There was some discussion that the organisation should be using an NZ bank,
Andy noted that Executive had looked at the possibility of using Prometheus but had taken a conservative position due to the recession. Executive could look at this again or at using Kiwibank.
Resolved (moved Chris, Nina, carried)
That the Executive take another look at the issue of using a NZ owned financial institution.
Rhys asked that the meeting show its thanks to the Treasurer.
At this point in the Agenda it was moved that the motion relating to the Change to Constitution should be addressed before the Election of Executive.
Resolved (moved Rhys, Peter, carried)
That this item be dealt with before the election of Executive.
Change to Constitution
Resolved (moved Rhys, Peter, carried)
That the Rule Change as tabled in the Agenda (below) be adopted:
That Clause 12.1 of the Constitution be amended
by removing “up to five” and adding “The named positions may each be shared by more than one individual, and the membership of the Executive Council shall not exceed ten individuals.” to read:
“The Executive Council shall comprise the President, the Vice-President, the National Secretary, the National Treasurer and other members elected at the Annual General Meeting to carry out the aims and powers of the Society. The named positions may each be shared by more than one individual, and the membership of the Executive Council shall not exceed ten individuals.”
Election of the Living Streets Aotearoa Executive Council for 2009 – 2010.
President: Peter Kortegast (Celia, Andy)
Vice-President: Mike Mellor (Celia, Daphne)
National Secretary Gay Richards (Celia, Chris)
National Treasurer: Andy Smith (Celia, Chris)
Grant Scofield (Celia, Liz)
Nina Arron (Peter, Celia)
Daphne Bell (Celia, Chris)
Carina Duke (Celia, Chris)
Rhys Taylor (Celia, Chris)
Peter noted that he would be looking to share the role to some degree with Mike based in Wellington. Nina, from Lawrence introduced herself. Celia read a brief profile from Grant, who was unable to be here today.
There being no further nominations, all were declared elected.
Peter Kortegast as newly elected President, assumed the chair, thanking Celia for all her work since the inception of Living Streets Aotearoa and presented her with a paua and silver brooch in the shape of a foot. It was noted that Celia was presented with Honorary Life Membership at the Golden Foot Awards the previous evening in recognition of her services.
Appointment of Auditor
Resolved (moved: Andy, Paula, carried)
That Kendons be appointed auditors for the coming year.
Other Business
Carina asked who had won the Inaugural Golden Foot walking awards the previous evening.
The winners were:
The New Zealand Best Practice Walking Facility Awards: Twin Stream Walk and Cycleway, Waitakere City Council
Top Commitment to Walking by a New Zealand Organisation: The Great Perimeter Walkway, Christchurch, Urban Landscape Group
Consultancy Award for Walking Excellence in New Zealand: Taking a Walk in Cambridge Park, Cambridge, Cambridge Park Ltd.
New Zealand Accessibility Innovation Award: First New Zealand Puffin, Lower Hutt, Hutt City Council
Best New Zealand Walking Promotion: 10,000 Steps, Northland, Sport Northland
Best New Zealand Small Project: Buggy Walks, Wellington, Sport Wellington
Special commendation to Bronte Davenport, aged 11, Craighead Diocesan School for Walk this Way (walking school bus awareness), Timaru.
Peter acknowledged Celia’s contribution to the Living Streets movement, growing the organisation to five staff, recognised within the industry, and as something that Australia doesn’t have, her Input into the Pedestrian Planning guide and for sending emails at all hours. Daphne noted Celia’s importance in getting Hamilton Living Streets underway. Liz acknowledged her and Celia’s continued friendship. There’s definitely something about Celia.
Peter assured the meeting that the next Walking Conference (Wellington, 2010) will be a lot of fun.
Meeting closed 6.55pm.
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