Churton Park Community Walkers
Contact: Paul Alpe Ph. 0274-418-453
Meet: Wednesday 9:00am Churton Park New World Car Park
Thursday 7:00pm Churton Park Community Centre
Description: Friendly and social walking group who walk a variety of routes throughout the Wellington/Hutt Valley/Porirua regions.
Varying sub-groups on a Wednesday cater for differing levels of walkers from the "Pleasure Pacers" to the "Steady Steppers"
and also the "Fast Footers". Depending on the group and location the distances we walk on a Wednesday can vary from 4.5km
to 9km. All ages welcome, although most walkers are 60+
Cost: Generally free apart from a "koha" for drivers when we travel away from Churton Park.
Wellington Marathon Run and Walk – Friendly Walking and Running Club
Meet: Sundays, 8.00 am, ASB Sports Centre, Kemp St, Kilbirnie - main club meet
Club members also meet on a casual basis at Freybergy Pool, Oriental Bay on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5.30 pm for walkers, 6pm for runners - see the website for more details
Description: Welcoming, supportive social network and events to keep people engaged, and exercising regularly. With options to train and compete if desired.
Many groups going out so people can choose what speed to go with.
Cost: $20 annual fee includes morning tea, shower, stretch class and bus trips.
Island Bay Walking Group 65+
Contact: Brenda Stevens
934 7633
Meet: Tuesdays 10.00 am, walks vary.
Description: These are non-strenuous, low intensity walks, designed to make walking a fun, social experience. Summer and winter programmes.
Cost: Free
Karori Arts and Crafts Walking Group – Older age bracket
Contact: Mavis Shaw or The Secretary
934 8630 or 476 6817
Meet: Second Tuesday of the month, 9.25am, at Plymouth Street, Karori.
Description: Members are generally in the older age bracket. Walks are moderate, so you are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes, bring a jacket, lunch, drink, sunhat and whistle.
Walks are free, but you are encouraged to join the Karori Arts and Crafts group for $25 per annum
Khandallah Walking Group – Mainly retirement age (30 members)
Contact: Fiona or Sarah KTHC co-ordinators
479 5420
Meet: Mondays 10am, 2 Ganges Road, (Taste restaurant verandah) finishes11 Ganges Road, KTHC for a cuppa
Description: Walks are of varying levels and lengths. The group is very social – bring $1 for tea and coffee at the centre afterwards.
Cost: Free
Miramar Walking Group (38 members)
Contact: Cathy Maher
934 8491
Meet: Thursdays 1.00 pm. Corner Chelsea and Argentine Ave, Miaramar.
Description: Walks for all levels of walkers. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes. First Thursday of month 12.00 pm.
Cost: Free
Brooklyn Walkers
Contact: Claire or Suzanna
384 9054 or 384 7412
Meet: Mondays 9.30 am bus stop outside Brooklyn Library
Description: The walks, chosen by group members, change each week and are usually of a low to medium intensity. Make sure to wear suitable clothing and bring a small pack. 6 mth programmes are displayed at the Brooklyn library and resource centre.
Cost: Free
Nairnville Park 50 Forwards Walking Group 60+ approx 25
Contact: Maureen Longman & Mary Church
478 7658, 479 8422
Meet: Every second Wednesday, 9.30 am -2 pm approx
Burma Rd between Malvina Major & Onslow College, J’Ville
Description: Friendly walking group, who use a variety of routes throughout the region. Bring morning tea and lunch
Cost: $2 per annum to cover postage of programme.
If walking within the region the group will car pool, with $3-$5 payable to your driver of the day.
Newlands Walking Group – Men and women 55+
Contact: Newlands Community Centre
477 3724
Meet: Tuesdays 10am, Newlands Community Centre
Description: Short social walks approx 1 hr to keep fit. Mixture of on-road and off-road walks, sometimes nature and historical with guide.
Cost: Free group
Lunchtime Civic Walkers – ideal for office workers but everyone is welcome
Contact: Ron Ross
021 438205
Meet: Tuesdays at 12.30 bottom of Plimmer Steps just off Lambton Quay. Feb-Nov
Description: Hour long, brisk and interesting walks, usually into a piece of Town Belt or urban park
Cost: Free
Wellington Scottish Walkers
Contact: Leeane Palmer
021 298 5473
Meet: Thursdays 5.30 pm, Freyberg Pool
Description: Fast paced brisk walkers welcome, training for events.
Tararua Tramping Club
Contact: Peggy Munn
233 1564
Friends of the Wellington Town Belt – don’t do walks
Contact: John Bishop
970 7496
Wellington Tramping Mountaineering Club
Lesbian Overland and Café Club – info off their website
Meet: Second Sunday of the month 9.00 am or 10.00 am
Description: A social walking group for vaguely active lesbians and slightly fitter
women. Not a tramping group, but there is one "club" rule: walk some before retiring to a café. Check website for walk locations.
Johnsonville Walking Group
Contact: Anne or Hazel
478 3406 or 461 7272
Meet: Mondays 9.30 am, Johnsonville Community Centre
Description Walks last for 1.5 to 2 hours. Fair weather walkers.
Scenic Walkers 30+
Meet: Sundays, fortnightly, at 10am, venue varies.
Description: Having fun, enjoy a scenic walk around the Wellington Region with us.
Olympic Harrier Club (Social or competitive race walking)
Contact: Andrea Adams
479 4301
Meet: Saturdays April-October 1.45 pm, harriers clubrooms, Bannister Ave, Johnsonville.
Description: Social or competitive race walking, get together on a Saturday afternoon to go walking, regardless of ability or age. Very social friendly club.
Cost: $15-80 per annum
Wellington Harriers – Cross country walking and running
Contact: Graham Tattersall
Phone: 478 0278 or 021 164 2776
Meet: Saturdays 1.30 pm, April – October
Description: Enjoy walking without the pressure of competition? Keen on improving your fitness with the company of others. Caters for social, fitness, beginners.
Cost: $30 yearly membership
Wellington Frontrunners – not a walking group running only
Contact: Nigel
Phone: 021 739 799
Wellington Wednesday Walkers – by invitation only
Contact: Elizabeth King
479 5702
Wellington Welsh Corgi Walking Club
Contact: Michael Romanos
528 5861
Meets: First or second Sunday of the month 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm
Description: Corgi owners, most involve optional wonderful energetic walks on bush etc tracks, share in the delight of Corgi ownership and exchanging ideas. Events include picnic lunch or afternoon tea. They are excellent socialising opportunities.
Sport Wellington Buggy Walks 100 + each month
Contact: Tania Atkinson
389 0224
Meet: First Thursday of every month 10.00 am. Location changes every month, but is in parks and forests around the Wellington Region.
Description: Parents and caregivers out and active with their young children in parks and forest around the Greater Wellington Region.
Cost: Free
Tawa Linden Walkers – Men and women aged 55+
Contact: Barbara
021 1004790
Meet: Tuesdays 9.00 am, outside Tawa RSA Hall
Description: To maintain a reasonable level of fitness, diverse walks, very sociable and well organised. Have yearly schedule of walks.
Cost: Free
Otari Wiltons Bush Guided Walks
Contact: Treehouse Visitors Centre
499 1400
Meet: 4th Sunday of every month 2.00 pm, leaving from information Centre
Description: Otari Wiltons Bush runs guided monthly walks for everyone. Check out walks, description and duration on their facebook link.
Cost: $3
Botanic Garden Guided Walks
Contact: Treehouse Visitors Centre
499 1400
Meet: 3rd Sunday and 4th Monday of every month 11.00 am
Description: Botanic Gardens runs guided monthly walks for everyone. Check walks start location, description and duration on their facebook link.
Cost: $4