Good on Wellington City Council - showing the way for more councils to follow. NZ Post vehicles not suitable anywhere. - Stuff June 27 2016
Keeping footpaths for pedestrians - that's the way to make a place more walkable.
NZ Post electric footpath trucks not suitable
: 28 Jun 2016NZ Post tractor and trailer units on the Footpaths
: 10 Jun 2016The NZTA have passed the decision to allow Paxstar electirc tractors and trailer on the footpath to the Councils (Road Controling Authorities (RCA)).
Wellington Council has already said NO. New Plymouth has had a trail.
They have not flashing lights or warning noise as they drive along the footpaths.
What is next
See the attached letter from NZTA to RCAs
Annual General Meeting of Living Streets Aotearoa Wednesday 6th July 2016, 12.45pm
: 30 May 2016Annual General Meeting of Living Streets Aotearoa
Wednesday 6th July 2016, 12.45pm
You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Living Streets Aotearoa which will be held:
- on Wednesday, the 6th of July at 12.45pm
- during the 2Walkandcycle conference,
- in the Aucklander Room at the Rendezvous Hotel, Mayoral Drive, Auckland.
The business to be considered will be:
a) presentation of the annual report and the financial accounts;
b) election of the Executive Council
Active transport accessory designers wanted
: 30 May 2016Designers, home sewers & craftspeople, this is your chance to shine - and WIN!
Create a new garment or accessory that illuminates people on foot and bike. Make them stand out at night and your masterpiece could go into production, and on sale in outlets in Wellington region and beyond.
See the website here
Footpath Cycling Petition presented by MP Trevor Mallard
: 9 May 2016Hon Trevor Mallard Parliament WELLINGTON
Dear Mr Mallard
You recently presented a petition to Parliament proposing that children under 14 and their adult caregivers, and those over 65, should be permitted to cycle on the footpath, contrary to the current New Zealand Land Transport User Rules.
Transport Blog talks about Law Change
: 10 Mar 2016The Auckland Transport blog has reposted our Law Change proposal after Skye Duncan questioned the law at Auckland Conversations.
Have a look at that link and all the other good things on Auckland Transport Blog
About Us
Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.
We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.