
Media release: The evidence supports investment in walking

Living Streets Aotearoa, the national pedestrian advocacy organisation, is very concerned about Transport Minister Simeon Brown's direction to NZTA (Waka Kotahi) to end funding for local councils' walking and cycling projects. This is a short-sighted, ideological decision that will come back to haunt the Government.

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Region (NZ): 

Waka Kotahi announces pause in funding Transport Choices programme - our response


Ahead of a new government being formed, Waka Kotahi has paused funding to a programme designed to speed up adoption of more sustainable modes of travel.

Living Streets President, Tim Jones, criticised Waka Kotahi's move. “There are many benefits of walking and other non-car modes, that we need to see accelerated for both health and climate action,” he said.

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Region (NZ): 

Jane's Walk Wellington - are we connected?

Join us for a walk following in the (imagined) footsteps of Jane Jacobs, one of the early urbanists who fought (and won) to maintain her 1960's New York neighbourhood from motorway development. Jane worked on the principle that citizens know what works in their neighbourhoods best and supported community based development from the bottom up. She appreciated that cities grow organically and can be a bit messy. Jane believed that cities were made great by their diversity, and having buildings with different purposes encourages lively activity throughout the day among neighbors.

Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Contact details: 
Meeting type: 
Face to face
Region (NZ): 

Golden Foot Walking Awards 2022

The New Zealand Golden Foot Walking Awards, held biennially, celebrate and recognise New Zealand achievements for walkers by acknowleding innovative new facilities, highlighting national best practise and rewarding ongoing commitment to walking. Join us for the Award ceremony in August.

Nominate your favourite walking path, place or space now. More here

Henry Hill School Golden Foot Award winners in 2018 [image of children and teachers outside their safer school]

What's that walking path, place or space that you just love? Nominate it for a Golden Foot Walking Award now

Region (NZ): 
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New Living Streets Aotearoa tee shirts available now

We are thrilled to unveil our smart new tee shirts - the stunning prize for Walk2Work Day winners. These have been designed exclusively for us and can be ordered online, check out the resources page for details on how you can get one.

Thanks to Emily Bulkley for the new design (and Becky Bliss for our well loved logo inspiration for the tee shirts)



Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Submission on proposed Orewa College Enrolment Scheme Amendment, July 2018

Submission on Orewa College Proposed Enrolment Scheme Amendment

Living Streets North Shore welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on Orewa College’s proposed enrolment scheme amendment. Living Streets North Shore (LSNS) is the North Shore walking action group focusing on walking issues in Auckland north of the Harbour Bridge.

LSNS makes this submission in support of the families of Red Beach which will be significantly impacted by this proposed amendment.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 
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Dunedin Pedestrian Action Network

Is this a fair question? Come along and share your views at Dunedin’s Pedestrian Action Network (PAN) public meeting on Wednesday 24 January, 1.30 to 3.00pm,
Dunningham Suite, Dunedin Public Library.

Want to be part of the walk movement in Dunedin? This meeting is for you

Dunningham Suite, Dunedin Public Library.
Contact person: 
Lynley Hood
Contact details: 
Phone 027 222 9279
Meeting type: 
Face to face
Region (NZ): 
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Gil Penalosa talk in Wellington - walkability and ageing

Thanks to the Centre for Sustainable Cities for co-hosting and filming this great talk from Gil Penalosa.

We need to learn how to live well - recreate cities so they work for 8 and 80 year olds.

The general must prevail over the particular - benefit for the most people.

Thanks also to Wellington City Council for bringing Gil to Wellington.

Country (exc. NZ): 

Walking to a healthier, brighter, more equitable future with Gil Penalosa

Walking toward a healthier, brighter, more equitable future

Great opportunity to hear Gil Penalosa, world renowned expert on getting people active in their cities

Adam Auditorium, City Art Gallery
Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Contact details: 
Meeting type: 
Face to face
Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns