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Title Post date What Where Attached files
Living Streets 14 Jun 2006
Health-enhancing Physical Activity: Final Report 2000-2001 14 Jun 2006
Promotion of transport walking and cycling in Europe 14 Jun 2006
Evaluating Walking Promotion Policies etc 14 Jun 2006
The heartbeat challenge programme 14 Jun 2006
Promoting safe walking and biking to school: The Marin County success story 14 Jun 2006
Relative Influences of Individual, Social Environmental, and Physical Environmental Correlates etc 14 Jun 2006
Promoting Physical Activity at the Community Level 14 Jun 2006
The Efficacy of Accumulated Short Bouts Versus Single Daily Bouts of Brisk Walking etc 14 Jun 2006
Identifying Correlates of Walking for Exercise 14 Jun 2006
How can and do Australian doctors promote physical activity? 14 Jun 2006
Daily walking and cycling to work: their utility as health-enhancing physical activity 14 Jun 2006
Walking for exercise self-efficacy appraisal process 14 Jun 2006
Total and leisure-time walking among US adults 14 Jun 2006
Paths to health (Scotland) 14 Jun 2006
Towards More Sustainable Transportation 13 Jun 2006
How is Your Walking Group Running? 13 Jun 2006
Active Commuting in a University Setting 13 Jun 2006
Reducing automobile traffic: an urgent policy for health promotion 13 Jun 2006
Using focus groups in the consumer research phase etc 13 Jun 2006
Prevalence of physical activity in the United States 13 Jun 2006
Sustainable Transport Coalition walking policy statement (WA) 13 Jun 2006
AARP Conducts Social Marketing Campaign to Motivate Older Adults in Richmond, Va., and Madison, Wis., to be 13 Jun 2006
Creating walkable communities: a guide for local governments 13 Jun 2006
PEDS 13 Jun 2006

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns