Greening the Rubble Project September-October 2011
Living Streets and helpers turn Earthquake damaged land into parks.
Living Streets and helpers turn Earthquake damaged land into parks.
I can't believe how useful this iPhone application is. Anywhere in NZ I can take a photo of the street problem (car on path, overhanging trees), write a description the phone uses GPS to tell where I am. Press REPORT and it will send it to the council in charge of that area. And it works well.
A must use for any walking advocate
Footprints July is out! Download your copy here.
To cut costs, Footprints will now appear electronically, three times per year and a hardcopy once a year. It will be in a handy 4-page size for people to print out themselves or to view on the screen. Local branches could also print them in A5 to hand out to members.
Enjoy reading! There are some inspirational stories, newsworthy bits and links to further reading, and of course announcement to upcoming events.
On the Greening the Rubble project's website you will see how this project is making a difference in Christchurch despite the continuing earthquakes and aftershocks. Go to:
The Greening the Rubble project, will be run under the umbrella of Living Streets Aotearoa with grant support from Christchurch City Council. It forms part of a wider initiative to find temporary uses for empty sites across Christchurch, following the damage caused by the Canterbury earthquake on 4 September 2010; collectively known as Make-SHIFT.
A review of Living Streets North Shore's activities in 2010 is provided in the attached PDF. If you are unable to read files in PDF format, please contact the Convenor (contact details on North Shore webpage).
Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
Held 13 September 2010
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Contact us (see below) if you are interested in attending or assisting in some way with any of our business or projects.
Carina Duke | carina.duke [at] |
2023 Walking Summit
Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
held 9 August 2010
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Walking is the most accessible and easy form of exercise. It doesn’t cost anything, you don’t need any special equipment or training, and anyone can do it, no matter how fit they are! Just step out the door and you’re away!
Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.
We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.