National level

Award for Walking Companions

Age Concern Wellington received their Golden Foot Walking Award recently in recognition of a service that meets a significant community need. The Companion Walking Service matches trained volunteers with older people who are experiencing reduced mobility, mild cognitive impairment or a need for companionship, often after an operation or a fall.

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Region (NZ): 
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Walk2Work Day 8 March 2023

We are looking forward to our national day to celebrate walking - once again to be held on the second Wednesday in March 2023.

Where - all over Aotearoa New Zealand

This year Walk2Work Day follows the New Zealand Census day so we are focussing on Walking Counts. Share how far, how many steps, how high or low, how everyday or unique your walk is on 8 March. 

Wellington Walk2Work Day

Welllington waterfront near Frank Kitts from 9 - 2pm

Region (NZ): 

Winners of the 2022 Living Streets Aotearoa Walking Awards

Living Streets Aotearoa is pleased to announce the winners of the Living Streets NZ Walking Awards.  The Golden Foot awards were presented on August 25th 7:00 pm at a formal video conference.

At the biennial awards this year nine winners were announced, receiving the Golden Foot Award made in recycled wood by Rowan Saker at Global Wood Rework (Wellington). 

Region (NZ): 
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Golden Foot Walking Awards 2022 25 August at 7pm

Please join us for the eagerly awaited Golden Foot Walking Awards 2022 where the latest great walking projects and people in Aotearoa New Zealand will be revealed. Save the date 25 August at 7pm.

We are going virtual to ensure that these Awards go ahead smoothly and are available to a wide audience.

Please RSVP to GoldenFoot[at] for the zoom link - and we can keep you informed.


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Region (NZ): 

Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 31 August 2022, 7:30pm, NZST by Zoom

We are pleased to inform you that the Living Streets Aotearoa Inc. AGM will be held on Wednesday 31 August 2022 at 7:30 pm by Zoom.
At this meeting we will attend to the formal business of our organisation for the year ended 31 March 2022. Read more about the AGM

Contact person: 
Gay Richards
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Meeting type: 
Region (NZ): 

Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 31 August 2022, 7:30pm, NZST by Zoom

We are pleased to inform you that the Living Streets Aotearoa Inc. AGM will be held on Wednesday 31 August 2022 at 7:30 pm by Zoom.

At this meeting we will attend to the formal business of our organisation for the year ended 31 March 2022.

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In the local body elections, it’s time to Vote Climate – and vote for better walking

Living Streets Aotearoa has joined the Vote Climate campaign because the importance of walking as climate action is a key part of our kaupapa.

Region (NZ): 

Golden Foot Walking Awards 2022

The New Zealand Golden Foot Walking Awards, held biennially, celebrate and recognise New Zealand achievements for walkers by acknowleding innovative new facilities, highlighting national best practise and rewarding ongoing commitment to walking. Join us for the Award ceremony in August.

Nominate your favourite walking path, place or space now. More here

Henry Hill School Golden Foot Award winners in 2018 [image of children and teachers outside their safer school]

What's that walking path, place or space that you just love? Nominate it for a Golden Foot Walking Award now

Region (NZ): 
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Golden Foot Walking Awards 2022

Nominations are now OPEN for our 8th Golden Foot Walking Awards.

Love that special place that makes you grateful to be on foot. Think your wheelchair has never rolled so well. Amazed that a place could be so good to be in. Or that special person who inspires you to stride out. Nominate them for a Golden Foot Walking Award.

Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Region (NZ): 

Government Trying To Have A Buck Each Way On Transport - Media release

Living Streets Aotearoa, the national walking advocacy group, has welcomed some good news for pedestrians in the new Emissions Reduction Plan, but called on the Government to act faster and go further to decarbonise transport. Living Streets Aotearoa Vice-President Tim Jones said “In the race to decarbonise our society and economy by 2050, the years between now and 2030 are crucial, because that’s when the steepest emissions reductions need to happen. And transport, especially in cities, is the sector we can decarbonise fastest – but only if we take the right steps.”

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Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns